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Writer's pictureshaquitalowmack

To Parker On Your 6th Birthday

My sweet girl,

How are we here again so soon? Another year gone in the blink of an eye. Just twelve short months since I sat here writing to you on your fifth birthday. Now today you are six. And as proud as I am that you have grown so beautifully, I can’t help but swallow the lump in my throat that you will never be five again.

It’s funny because six years ago, when you came into the world, I held my breath waiting for you to breathe. I didn't know what our life was about to look like with you being born so early. Fear made me imagine the unthinkable.

And now, six years later, I find it impossible to imagine a life without you.

And despite all of my worries and fears that I wouldn’t bond with you as I should, so desperate to protect myself from any more heartache, the moment you looked into my eyes, I knew that everything would be okay. And it was.

It's so hard to see you grow so fast, to accept that the older you get, the more independent you will become. But right now I will cherish how you still jump into my arms, put your little hand on my face, snuggle up beside me and tell me a hundred times a day, “I love you Mommy.”


You make so proud.

I guess that’s a word we use a lot when we talk about you – proud. And I am proud, the proudest mommy in the world. From the moment you were placed into my arms and every second of every day since. Not only are you beautiful but you are the smartest, funniest, kindest, strongest, most loving, clever and intuitive little girl ever. Every time somebody stops us in the store to comment on how beautiful you are or just to say how polite & sweet you are, I feel ten feet tall. Every time you sit down and read to me, or present me with your latest masterpiece, I burst with pride a thousand times over.

Before you went to sleep last night I asked you, “Will you still love me when you’re six?” You threw your arms around my neck and told me, “I’ll love you even more because there will be more of me to love you!”And as I sniffed away my tears and got one last hug with you being five, I knew that you would always love me just as much as you do right now.

Today, we celebrate six years of your life…the best six years of mine…and I am honored that God chose me to be your mommy.

I pray that you are always as strong as you are now. That you learn so much more during the sixth year of your life, and that each day you take one step closer towards being the woman God created you to be.

You are such a beautiful little soul. From you I have learned patience and I have evolved. I am a better person because of you. I love you more than I ever thought possible and I am so glad you are mine.

Happy 6th Birthday, my beautiful little sunshine. You have brightened my very darkest days!

I love you with all my heart.


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