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Writer's pictureshaquitalowmack

To My 8 Year Old Miracle

My little best friend,

I still remember the day you were born. Every detail. Every sound. The smell. The people. So many people. The quietness. The peace — Something I had never experienced until this day, 8 years ago. I knew you would be special because God told me so. From the moment I held you in my arms, I knew you were destined for greatness. Even though you were born early, you’ve always been a fighter—determined, strong, and full of life. From day one, you showed the world that nothing would hold you back, and that has been true ever since.


You, my sweet girl, have a heart that beats with kindness. In a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming, your tender spirit is a source of comfort to everyone who knows you. The way you care so deeply for others is beyond what I ever could have imagined.

What amazes me even more is your wisdom. You often say things that make me pause in awe. How did you become so wise, so aware of the world and the people in it? It’s as if you’ve lived a thousand lifetimes, and you bring all that knowledge and understanding into each day. You have the ability to see things from a perspective far beyond your years, and that is one of the many things that makes you so special.

Your light, my sweet daughter, is perhaps your greatest gift to the world. It’s a light that doesn’t just shine—it radiates. It wraps around everyone who crosses your path, offering warmth, joy, and hope. I see it when you laugh with your people, when you sing in the car or shower, and when your eyes light up at the sight of something new and exciting. You have a glow about you, a brightness that cannot be dimmed, and it draws people to you. That light is what makes you who you are—a beacon of hope, joy, and love in this world.


As you turn 8, I want you to know how proud I am of you, not just for the amazing things you’ve accomplished, but for the incredible person you are. I am so blessed to be your mommy, to witness your heart and your spirit in action. I’ve learned so much from you, more than I ever thought possible, and I’m in awe of the beautiful person you are becoming.

Every time I see your bright smile and hear your kind words, I am reminded of the miracle God performed on this day. Keep being you, my love. Keep shining your light so brightly, because the world needs it now more than ever. You have a heart that can change the world, and I know you will.

Happy 8th birthday, my precious girl. You are a gift to me and to everyone who knows you, and I am endlessly grateful that I get to call you my daughter. I love you more than words could ever express.

With all my love,

Mommy 💕

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