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From NICU to Now... Happy 1st Birthday, Parker!

Dear Parker,

We made it!!!!! It was on this day ONE year ago that you entered our lives. You were early. Really really early. We were not expecting to meet you until December 7th, but God just had other plans. I think back on the weeks and days before you were taken and I can’t help but give God the glory because He had His hand on you, baby girl! Things could have turned out far worse than they did, BUT GOD! Mommy is so sorry that I couldn’t keep you safe in there any longer but you had to come out! You were just laying there... I can imagine why you came out giving the doctor the same look you give today! You were probably thinking “what took y’all so long” The 45 days you stayed in NICU after you were born were some of the hardest days of my life. But one year ago, at 2:46pm, the most magical thing happened. All 2 pounds 5.7 ounces of you changed the course of your mommy’s life forever. The person I am now is so much better than I ever imagined I could be. You have truly changed me for the better.

Because of you, I have learned so much about myself, my friends and family and the resilience of you. I learned that there is nothing that can be thrown at me that I can’t handle. Having a baby born so early is terrifying. You were so small but so strong! In those darkest of days, I was there. I was there with you, day in and day out. Holding you, nourishing you, willing you to grow. It didn’t matter how hard it was, I was there. I never thought I was that strong, but God gave me strength. And I needed it. You are so loved- and I do not mean just by me. You bring us so much joy!

You may not believe this, but in my eyes, you will always be my hero! Not everyone can be born at such a young age and do nothing but thrive. Yes, we’ve have some scary moments- heart defects, brain bleeds, hospital stays.... but overall you have done nothing but defy the odds. You are AMAZING and there is nothing you will not be able to do in your life.

So, after shedding lots of tears this morning, I now sit here in awe of all that you were and are. You have forever changed me my daughter, and I love you more than I will ever be able to express.

Happy Birthday Parker Elise Lowmack! May each year prove over and over again that miracles still happen!


Your Mommy

📷 📷

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